Movie de noorderlingen 1992
Movie de noorderlingen 1992

Cosmo: Posit: people think a bank might be financially shaky. It's not that organized.Ĭosmo: In prison I learned that everything in this world, including money, operates not on reality. Bishop: Organized crime? Cosmo: Ha, don't kid yourself.


Mother: What are you doing? Bishop: I'm going to a concert.Ĭosmo: There I was in prison, and one day I helped some nice older gentlemen make some free telephone calls.

movie de noorderlingen 1992

Martin Bishop: Everybody pack up whatever you can. Whistler: They probably were government - just not ours. How could you be so goddamn stupid?!? Two guys show up, say they're government, and you just buy it. Their West Coast operations are out of Los Angeles. Carl Arbogast: The NSA never had an office in San Francisco. Housed the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Agriculture. Mother: Guys, that federal building's been scheduled for demolition since August. And don't tell me you won't do it because I've got to have it. Donald Crease: Don't tell me you can't do it because I know you can. Bishop: Turn it off! Carl: So, it's a code-breaker. Whistler: Anybody want to crash some passenger jets? Crease: I said turn it off. Liz: Jannek must have figured out a way to solve those problems without the key and he hard-wired it into that chip. Mother: How is this possible? Whistler: Cryptography systems are based on mathematical problems so complex they cannot be solved without a key. Bishop: We're definitely not getting paid that much. Bishop: We're not getting paid that much, Carl. Bishop: Carl? Carl: I'd like to have a deep relationship with a beautiful woman who melts from the very first time our eyes meet. Crease: You guys will be chalk outlines without me. Whistler: And it pays $175,000! Mother: I'm in. could we maybe just go back to the "they might kill us" part? Bishop: Mother, if I thought that was likely to happen, I wouldn't bring this to you. Whistler: Well, Bish, I can't speak for the other guys, but I'm in it for the money, I don't care if you go to jail. But if you guys don't want to take that chance just to keep me out of jail, fine, I understand, I'll do it. Brice.īishop: The probable level of security is very low. Gordon: Change your mind, call us at this number. Bishop: Gee, I can't tell you what a relief that is.Dick. We protect our government's communications, we try to break the other fella's codes. We're not chartered for domestic surveillance. You're the guys I hear breathing on the other end of my phone.

movie de noorderlingen 1992

Martin Bishop: I'm sorry, but I don't work for the government. Why is that? Because money's most powerful ability is to allow bad people to continue doing bad things at the expense of those who don't have it.ĭialogue Buddy Wallace: And then, there's Martin Bishop. Pollution, crime, drugs, poverty, disease, hunger, despair we throw gobs of money at them! The problems always get worse. Politicians are bought and sold like so much chattel. Evil defense contractors had it, noble causes did not. What's wrong with this country, Marty? Money.

Movie de noorderlingen 1992